All About Bushytail
Bushytail is a ginger feral cat who lives in Australia and looks to find a territory of his own away from the farmlands, in the Australian bush. He is a young tom who is a good climber and a good swimmer.
Bushytail was a feral cat born in farmlands. He was part of a big litter, having four siblings. He did not know his father and his mother left when he was very young. When his mother left, Bushytail and his siblings each went their own ways. Bushytail slept where-ever he could find a sheltered nook and ate whatever insects or small animals he could find.
There were two reasons why Bushytail could not stay in the farmlands when he became a mature tom. Firstly, there were a lot of cats already in this territory, and he would therefore be in constant fights with other toms, and secondly, the human population in the farmlands was increasing and they were trying to eradicate feral cats.
Bushytail is very kind-hearted, always looking out for those cats who need protection. He strives to do his best, but constantly doubts himself and his abilities. Although he tries very hard to control it, his bad temper sometimes gets the better of him, and he often regrets the mean things he says to others.
Despite just being an ordinary cat, Bushytail fights for what is right. He wants to see all cats live in harmony with each other and the land. Although he knows that cats walk alone, he can also see that living as a clowder can help cats in the wild to live a longer life.
Ultimately, Bushytail just wants a home and to belong.