High Clowder Cats – 5 stars

There are so many novels within the fantasy genre, that sometimes it can be hard to decide what to read next. So many stories very generic and don’t really add anything new but High Clowder Cats by Ruby Knight is unlike any other fantasy book I’ve read before. I don´t think I have ever come across a fantasy book involving cats, but I am so glad that I came across this novel.

High Clowder Cats is not only unique, but also a great written story with intriguing characters. This story will capture you from the very beginning thanks to Ruby Knight´s wonderful writing. The classic elements of a fantasy story are there, which will make any fan of the genre enjoy this story and even if you are not a big fan of fantasy, this would be a great novel to start with. It would also be a great a story to introduce children to the fantasy genre as they will certainly find the characters appealing. Personally, as someone who loves animals, I was immediately captured by the synopsis, and I was glad I read this novel. As I said, it is unique, and I love finding stories like this. They are a breath of fresh air in the genre.

If you get the chance to read High Clowder Cats do it. It is a fascinating story with great characters and amazing writing. A real page-turner. Great for people of all ages and even those who don’t like the fantasy genre. This story has a meaning beyond just being an entertaining story, which is why I would also encourage people to add High Clowder Cats to their TBR (To-Be-Read) lists. I know this is a novel that I will be revisiting, and I hope to read more of Ruby Knight´s books in the future.


Evelyn Hadley