WATERSHIP DOWN WITH AN AUSTRALIAN VENEER August 31, 20220 comment High Clowder Cats by Ruby Knight Louie Stockfeld on Aug 28, 2022 High Clowder Cats is fast-paced, constantly interesting and doesn’t talk down to its audience. It doesn’t patronise children and makes for a quick, fun read for adults. Ruby Knight’s roots in high fantasy are clear: a classic tale of good triumphing over evil, our ragtag, humble protagonist, Bushytail, an outsider, finds himself swept up in a magical world, where he finds it up to him to do the right thing! High Clowder Cats’ strongest point is it’s Australianness. Bushytail’s connection with The Stone and the place of cats in this world makes for a nuanced exploration of colonisation, of Indigenous Australian land rights, of where colonising people can find their place in this magical land while remembering to whom we owe things. Adults will recognise this instantly, for children, it starts an important conversation. An excellent first entry into this series, High Clowder Cats is a must-read for Australian audiences. Post navigation Prev postPrev post:Next postNext post: